- Differentiate between the external accountant’s and management’s responsibility related to identifying, evaluating, presenting, and disclosing going concern uncertainty
- Discuss how to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to evaluate management’s assertions about an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time
- Describe the independent accountant’s reporting options under applicable auditing and other professional services standards when uncertainty associated with going concern exists
- Current FASB accounting standards related to going concern, including the new requirements of ASU 2014-15
- Evaluating risk of material misstatement in financial reports related to improper presentation and disclosure of going concern uncertainty
- The responsibility of an independent accountant for evaluating going concern uncertainty under various levels of engagement to perform attest and nonattest services
- New requirements of SAS No. 132 and SSARS No. 24 related to an auditor’s responsibility for considering going concern uncertainty?
Designed For
Accounting and auditing practitioners assisting in the preparation of financial statementsPrerequisite
Experience in accounting and auditingAdvanced Preparation